Monday, January 12, 2009

Pushing the walker

This week I pushed and walked with the walker at the same time. It's the first time I've been able to do this by myself. My conductive ed teacher put a bungee cord diagonally across my walker in front of my right leg and it triggers me to lift it. We have also discovered that I walk better without my braces (SMO's) on. Scissoring my legs is virtually non-existent. I guess it's something you have to experiment with. Hooray for Gavin!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have updated the "Friends" entry, below, with a video of me in the new green walker. Check it out!

I have been practicing my computer skills. It started with a child-friendly keyboard and mouse. The keys are bigger (with no function keys included) and the mouse is a smaller size to fit my hand. This makes it easier for me to click. I have a dominant left hand so I therefore have the mouse on my left side. It's taken me a few weeks, but I have finally mastered pointing and clicking. Most recently, I can navigate between programs by selecting and opening specific icons. I know what everything is! I enjoy my computer time very much and can't seem to get enough of all there is to discover on there.

Now all I need is a video!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hello, my name is Biscuit and I'm a salt addict. Tonight we went to a restaurant for dinner and unbeknownst to my parents, I spilled half the salt shaker all over myself and the coloring book in front of me. Then I began eating it and expressed that it was "yucky." After cleaning up, I requested some more salt. I prefer it in small quantities. Ketchup and dressing are good too.

I sat in the booster seat throughout our entire time at the restaurant. It wasn't that long ago that I was not able to do that and required more support. I'm definitely stronger now. I thanked the waitress every time she brought something to our table.

I also love bowling!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I had OT in the park for the 3rd week in a row. My therapist, Ms. Cindy, usually has out sessions at the pool, but the weather has not been warm enough lately and the pool heater is broken. Therefore, we meet at the park. It's a great opportunity for me to play with other kids. I made some friends last week and this week, they were there again. Their playgroup meets every Tuesday morning and I just happen to be there. Lucky me.

Last week, I was afraid to play with anyone. I kept guarding myself, thinking they would fall on me or I would get trampled. I wouldn't say hi, communicating with Ms. Cindy only. To me, the kids move so differently and it's something I am not used to. This week, I played with Elijah for the longest. He screamed and I screamed. He went down the slide and I followed. Ms. Cindy stepped me to the see-saw and he rode it with me. This is the first kid I have ever played with outside of therapy. It was a lot of fun.

The following day, while at therapy, guess who shows up? It was Elijah from the park. It turns out that he receives OT and Speech therapy as well. Maybe we have more in common that we thought. I did remember him and said hi. We're about the same age and I don't think he has CP. I think we bonded because our personalities are both easygoing. I also think I spoke more than him.

In PT, I got my new aluminum walker and used it this week with no complaints. It is green with orange handles. It has a hip positioner and a belt in front to keep me centered. It also has a stretchy fabric harness that goes between my legs to catch me in case I fall. Fortunately, it's not sturdy enough to encourage me to sit on it. It just jeeps me from falling all the way down. My therapist thought that since the weather had been cooler, my tone would be higher, but that was not the case. The first day I was motivated by a tower of large foam blocks. My mom stacked them up halfway down the hall and I stepped over to knock them down again and again. Before I knew it, I had reached the end of the hall, turned the corner and had even stepped halfway down the next hall. The 2nd session I was motivated by a soccer ball and kicked it every time I reached it. It was so much fun. I didn't even realize all the hard work I was doing (holding on with two hands, pushing the walker and stepping). There may be a video available, but we're still trying to figure out how to get it off my mom's phone and onto the computer. We'll let you know if we succeed.

We brought the walker home to practice this weekend and at conductive ed too. Hopefully I will still be happy in it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Aluminum Walker

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Last week, I had an appointment with Dr. Novick, Pediatric Orthopaedic. I had an x-ray taken of my hips and I'm happy to report that all is well. Even though I always "W" sat, the outcome was still positive for me. My hips were where they're supposed to be. Then I willingly allowed her to pick me up and place me on the table (even though it had crunchy paper on it, which I usually hate). She stretched my legs in many different directions (or tried to) and was concerned that there was a lot of tone in them. This appointment was in the early afternoon (when I am usually napping) so I was a bit tired and when I'm tired, my tone is higher.

Ultimately, she suggested that I be stretched (since she understood that my PT does not stretch me due to time constraints) every day, especially my legs and hips. She also prescribed to me a hip positioner to sleep in for extra stretching. Unfortunately, or not, when we went to order it and saw what it was, we declined to place the order. There is no way I would sleep in it. It looked like a hard foam diaper with a ring for each thigh, keeping my legs apart while wearing it. Now, my mom has been putting a pillow between my legs when I fall asleep. It stays there for a little while, until I roll over, but it's better than nothing. Hopefully my standing, at home stretching and pillow will do the trick. Our follow-up is in four months.

The Potty

We have a potty made by Baby Bjorn. The seat is not cushioned and this allows me to keep my balance better. This morning, my daddy sat me on the potty and I went pee! This is only the second time I've sat on it. Pretty cool, huh? Now, I'm determined to take my diaper off at any given opportunity. Anything for a sticker.

Since I have been standing in my Rifton Mobile Stander everyday, and with assistance a few weeks before that, my feet have become stronger and wider. I got some new SMO's and shoes to fit them. We're trying these shoes by Answer 2. They are specially made for my braces, fit deeper and wider. And the velcro is long enough to reach across.

I am now motivated by Rufus, our dog, who can mostly be found on the couch. This week, I pulled myself up to stand on the couch. I make sure everyone knows when I am standing by exclaiming it, "I'm standing!" Rufus quickly leaves when he sees me coming.

Update on "W" sitting: I am happy to report that during the past two weeks I have made a breakthrough and can get my left leg out in front of me when I am requested to. Hooray! There will now be less nasty "W" sitting from me.