Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Post Turkey

On Thanksgiving, I got to eat at the table with the family. Last year, I was being passed around from lap to lap at Uncle Sergio and Aunt Gloria's. I don't believe I had acquired the taste for turkey yet either. I made up for it this year though. I had turkey and spaghetti, mostly. I was being fed other things but I spit them all out and laughed in the face of my feeders. Ha! I didn't even throw that much food on the floor. I put on my best behavior at Oma and Grandpa's house, at least for one night.

I have increased strength throughout my trunk now and can sit up from my knees. If I coordinate it, I can even do it all from a tummy position. Tummy, knees, push up and sit. It's a lot of work. It excites me to complete it. Sometimes I even clap and shriek with glee.

I have been wearing my new glove on my right hand. It helps keep my thumb from being tucked into my hand. I can pick things up to much easier with it. Sometimes I even use two hands. I'm glad I stopped biting it and started using it. It didn't taste so great anyway.

At therapy today, Gracie received her gait trainer and she let me stand in it. She's much taller than I am so I just hung there for a minute. We didn't adjust the height since it wasn't mine. It's bigger than my body, bigger than I thought. It is a magnificent piece of equipment. I would like very much for it to fit though our magnificent doorways at home.

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