Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Last Thursday night, my dad brought me to bed with him while he was reading, since I was being fussy, and he said I was staring at him for a long time. He looked down at me and noticed my right hand spasming, fingers in an awkward position, so he picked me up, called out for my mom and got the phone. I was having a seizure. We called 911, went to the hospital in an ambulance, I was puking everywhere, my temperature was 102.5 when we got there. They immediately stripped me down to my diaper and gave me Valium through an IV. The seizure had lasted for over ten minutes. My right side, which is most affected by the PVL, was spasming really bad. The right side of my face was drooping and right arm and leg were twitching. I had many tests performed on me, including a CT scan of the head and chest x-rays. I was released from the emergency room, still puking, but out of the seizure around 3am.

Friday morning I woke up with a great attitude, as always. I was talking, playing, behaving as I normally would. It was as if nothing happened. We visited our pediatrician, Dr. Yonker, to follow-up. She didn't even have my temperature taken. She immediately called my neurologist because of the length of the seizure concerned her.

They say that febrile (fever related) seizures last only a few minutes. Did the PVL aggravated the seizure, making it last longer? Or, did the PVL cause the seizure, which caused the fever? I did become ill afterwards so perhaps they were right in saying the seizure was caused by a virus.

We're scheduled for an EEG tomorrow to measure my brainwaves. Hopefully they can put all these questions to rest and this was an isolated incident.

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