Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Small steps

I have my gait trainer at home now. We brought it home from therapy after about a month. I dislike being strapped into it very much. I had to be bribed with an Elmo DVD and snacks to stay in. Right now, I’m just getting used to standing in it. Maybe soon I will move around in it. Forward would be best.

My Neuromuscular Therapist, Jim, came by to stretch me today. I was wearing my braces and when he stood me, I held my own weight for two seconds while he let go. Then I fell onto him like I always do. What's more impressive is that I took some steps with him. These were not just ordinary steps, I had a goal - to turn off the television. It's usually on to help distract me while I receive treatment.

I stepped all the way over, across the room, while he held onto me, and pressed the button. Suddenly the tv began to static and I cried because it scared me. I don't know what's hiding in the static. Could be anything.

I played "gotcha" today with mom. She didn't have a chance to "get" me because I got her first. This is the first time I reciprocated in interactive play. I am usually just the recipient of the game's highlight or just an observer. Everyday, you can almost see the wheels beginning to turn in my head. I'm getting the hang of things.

I have perfected identifying numerous animals and their noises. I have also applied this to mealtime. I see chicken, say chicken, make a chicken sound (bok bok) and then eat it. I don't know if that was their intention. I'm pretty clever and have a wild imagination.

Lastly, after many failed attempts, I reached the water dial in the tub. I don't know how to turn it on as of yet, but I am working on it. I twist one way, then another. Nothing seems to come out. I try every day a little harder. I'm slowly learning to pull. Can you say childproof? I guess my parents had a late start in this department.

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