Saturday, July 19, 2008

Trip, Coming right up

Tomorrow is our trip to St. Louis. We practiced today by sitting in the Sit 'n Stroll car seat and being wheeled around the house. I didn't want to get out. This is surprising since lately, I don't like strollers. I was even tall enough to reach the magnetic letters on the fridge.

Then I got down and I followed along the "If you're happy and you know it" song. I clapped my hands, stomped my feet (with assistance) and shouted "oh yeah" and "hooray" on queue. I can also open a dvd case with one hand.

I was eating some crackers on the floor and my dog, Rufus, was supervising. I eventually gave him a cracker and once he ate it, I said, "Cracker, where are you" and "Oh no." It made my parents laugh. Rufus continued to supervise and sniff.

I went to Gymboree in Bradenton this morning, since our Sarasota location closed down. There were lots more kids there and all different ages (up to 5). Only one of my old friends from Sarasota was there. My favorite part was rolling down the ramp. I did that like 10 times. A week ago, this would have terrified me, but I practiced this same movement with Zsuzsi this week. It seems Conductive Education is already working. Hooray!

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