Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday and I'm Pooped

I am a more mature boy of two. I no longer cry when my mom leaves the therapy room. I tested this new method out last week and continued with the research this week. This "no crying" action seems to work best. Everyone is happy in the beginning and still happy in the end.

Today at hippo, I was riding Sunny as usual. No fussing, playing rings with my right hand. My fans were losing interest. Each time around the ring, I could see their faces start to turn away and engage their attention elsewhere. They saw me do this last week, who could blame them. I had to think of something fast to keep their focus on me. With the help of my assistants, I quickly sat backwards on Sunny and rode slowly past. I smiled and waved, as if we were in a parade. It worked! They were all left speechless and I received applause and hugs in the end. I've got to keep the routine fresh. I can't wait to read the reviews.

My friend Jake has a stander. When he stands in it, it helps him poop. Maybe it's the gravity? I do not have a stander, but I stood in my gait trainer with my weight on my feet and I pooped too! Hooray!

New words this week include: Thank you very much and muffin. I have also been imitating the singing of various songs. I ask for some to be played over and over. "Again, again," I say. Then I sing. Practice makes perfect.

I pull myself to stand in the tub now. It's more like a lean over the side stand actually. It's tough to do since it's so slippery. My super strong arms and chest do most of the work. My legs and feet come in second.

This week is the first time a wheelchair has been suggested to my family for my growing needs. If prescribed, it would take approximately 3-6 months to receive the final product. No one is anxious to sit me in a wheelchair, but my back needs more support, it would probably be more comfortable for me as I grow. Now, this doesn't mean I will be confined to it. It will mostly be a back up for long outings, like what a stroller does now, since I may eventually be able to walk. If I get tired, I can sit instead of trying to be carried. We can ask about this in St. Louis when we go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wonderful stories my little Gavin... aren't you smart to ride backwards!!
And... no more tears!!! What a big boy.. We'll see you real soon,
love oma