Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rainy Thursday

I slept all night in my bed last night without a hitch. I am looking forward to doing this more often. I need to practice, ;p. It makes me feel good the next day.

It was rainy out this morning. I went to the library. There were only five other kids there, including my new friend Jake. His Nanny Stephanie brings him. Jake sees an aqua therapist once a week and thanks to them, I am going to see her too, starting next Wednesday. She is also an OT so she incorporates OT in the pool. I'll be distracted by the water and hopefully won't notice I'm receiving a treatment. There's a pool at a nearby park and that's where we'll meet. Too bad Jake and I can't go on the same day. Our therapy schedules are too tight. Even though it's summer, we get no break.

I finally pooped after three days. I have been taking gummy vitamins and believe they are the constipating criminals. I suddenly felt light and airy. Then, I pooped again.

The rain didn't last all day. It was sunny out this afternoon and I got pushed around in my blue car. Up and down the sidewalk as I steered and honked. We were only out a few minutes, but I got really hot and started acting lethargic. I leaned my head back and my right side got tight. My mom put me in the shade and when she knelt down to check on me, my right leg was twitching. We had to take my hat off to keep me cool, my head was soaked in sweat. We rushed back home. This twitching has happened once before when I was also really hot and outside. It's kind of scary. Must remain cool. That will be hard to do in my area of residence, Florida.

I played online with Elmo today. He had me press keys on the keyboard and he identified whatever I chose. I played three times. I cried when it ended. I prefer dramatic endings.

My new booster seat came in the mail and I ate dinner at the table tonight. If it didn't have a belt, I would have fallen out over three times. I was more busy leaning over the edge and dropping things than actually feeding myself. Somehow, food did manage to get into my mouth.

I am a head banger. I gave myself a nosebleed this evening. I banged my head on the ground in frustration. Don't worry, the stain came out. My nose is fine too.

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