Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It all started with a salad. I mostly ate the dressing and left the lettuce. Since then, I have discovered syrup, honey and ketchup. I cringed at the taste at first, but liked them for the most part. They are all good for dipping. Maybe they will inspire me to eat more vegetables. It's an interesting idea.

My abuela (grandma) was visiting this weekend. She likes to pray for me. She prayed for a sign that I would walk and it scared her when I suddenly pulled myself to stand on the ottoman. She didn't realize that I had done this once or twice before, though it is still rare for me to do. I am tall enough now where I can lean over the top of the ottoman and mostly use my arms (not my hands) to pull up. Then I complete the motion with my tip-toe standing and leaning. It overwhelmed her, nevertheless. Almost like I stood on queue. I've got to get the timing down. This could be big!

I am finally getting it, I want to walk! Well, mostly. Not so long ago, I desired being on the ground, commando crawling to my destination, and though I still do that, I stay on my knees for longer periods of time. I would say I can four-point crawl now, though it still requires some tweaking. Now, I always want to "step" towards something and become upset when I am placed on the floor. We must be practicing this pretty often because I sent my mom to the chiropractor and my dad to therapy as well. "Oh Gavin, you're breaking my back," I guess they weren't kidding. I am a great traveler.

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