Thursday, May 1, 2008


I had an EEG on Friday. It was in follow-up to my seizure last month. I had to be sleep deprived for this procedure. It was so hard staying awake in the car. My mom sat in the back and distracted me with flash cards while my dad drove to ACH in St. Pete.

We had a nice lunch outside in downtown St. Pete. I was given crayons, which I attempted to eat, and colored on and off the paper, on the chair as well. When we got to the neurologist's office, I didn't go down without a fight. The lady squirted my head with paste-like goo, stuck an electrode on it (non-wireless) and tape over it. There must have been 20 of them, all while I screamed and my dad held me wrapped in a blanket. Then my head was wrapped like a mummy. A few minutes later, I was safely being rocked to sleep. I passed out pretty fast and I didn't even notice the strobe light in front of my face.

I passed the test. Everything came back normal. I am not prone to seizures. To celebrate, I impressed the neurologist by crawling on all fours across the room. It was more like a scoot/crawl, but I stayed on my knees. She thinks I'm great.

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