Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It was that time again today - time for a haircut. We went to Kidsmania. They had video games, movies, toys, candy, seats shaped like cars... everything to distract and attain a haircut. I did not buy into their trickery. I refused to sit in the car shaped seat and sat on mommy's lap instead. Meanwhile, a one year-old sat perfectly well next to me and didn't mind the clippers at all. Were we in two different worlds? I fought and cried through the entire process. I didn't even allow a cape. He just stared at the tv and remained oblivious to what was going on above him. At one point, I was even placed in a prone position to better reach the back of my head. I got a lollipop, which eased my fears, but only for a moment. How did this happen? Why am I so adamant on refusing everyday things? Finally, it was over and we both left covered in hair. I have come to the conclusion that this stubbornness and strong-will proves I want to be independent.

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